Give your trainees the resources needed to succeed.
Discounted pricing on our radiology courses and assessments for programs. Includes a comprehensive call preparation curriculum.
Billed annually. 5 users minimum. If you are interested in an individual subscription, please visit our pricing page.
Trusted by Programs of All Sizes

Nine Call Preparation Courses
Give your program access to all nine courses, including over 1,400 interactive cases covering emergent or common pathology seen on call.
Courses | Case Index

Call Simulator
Residents can shuffle cases from our courses and submit their own reports to simulate a call shift.

Track Resident Progress
Monitor the number of cases residents complete in the "program director dashboard."

Multi-Modality Call Assessments
Our five assessments cover 170+ cases and include multiple choice question sets that follow a recommended search pattern. Residents also can submit their own free-form report.

Assessment Performance Results
Document resident competency and review their comparative scores on multiple choice questions and submitted preliminary reports in the "program director dashboard."